Educational Products

Catalog of Educational Videos

Educational Video on Indiana Disability History is a catalog in PDF format of selected video interview clips suitable for training or education on disability and disability history topics. Videos are captioned and available on the Indiana Disability History Project website. Each video title is linked to the web page where it can be played.

Journey to Full Citizenship: Indiana’s Disability History

Journey to Full Citizenship is a video overview of 200 years of change in the lives of Hoosiers with disabilities. A very broad survey starting in the 19th century, the short documentary highlights the role of advocacy in pressing for the legislation and policy changes needed to secure the civil rights of Indiana's citizens with disabilities. This video is suitable for use in high school or post-secondary educational settings. (13 min.)

From Segregation to Integration: Oral History About the Education of Children with Disabilities

Download four ready-to-use lesson plans about disability history in Indiana, for students in grades 4 through 6. Lessons draw from primary sources comprising video interviews from the Indiana Disability History Project’s online oral history collection. All documents are in PDF format.

TEACHERS START HERE (introduction and overview)

Lesson One: Children with Disabilities in the Age of Institutions

Lesson Plan for Lesson 1
Class Presentation for Lesson 1
Discussion/Debrief Guide for Lesson 1
Teacher Notes for Lesson 1

Lesson Two: Educating Children with Disabilities without Public Schools

Lesson Plan for Lesson 2
Class Presentation for Lesson 2
Discussion/Debrief Guide for Lesson 2
Teacher Notes for Lesson 2

Lesson Three: Students with Disabilities in Segregated Public Education

Lesson Plan for Lesson 3
Class Presentation for Lesson 3
Discussion/Debrief Guide for Lesson 3
Teacher Notes for Lesson 3

Lesson Four: The Integration of Students with Disabilities into Classrooms

Lesson Plan for Lesson 4
Class Presentation for Lesson 4
Discussion/Debrief Guide for Lesson 4
Teacher Notes for Lesson 4