Indiana Advocates and the ADA

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Greg Fehribach with Senator Tom Harkin

“It was quite remarkable. The entire South Lawn was full of folks from all over with disabilities. It was a huge crowd and it was extremely festive.”* In 1990, Greg Fehribach was chairperson of the Indiana Governor’s Planning Council for People with Disabilities. That is his recollection of the very warm July day when George H.W. Bush signed the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the law the president described as “a sledgehammer” to the wall separating citizens with disabilities and their freedom.

Although not present to witness the historic moment on the White House lawn, many Hoosiers with and without disabilities contributed to the successful adoption and implementation of this major civil rights legislation. Their recollections and reflections are the heart of our look back at the ADA’s passage, and the years immediately before and after. Continue >

Indiana Advocates and the Americans with Disabilities Act